Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Maybe it's that I'm getting my IKEA mattress delivered tomorrow, but I finally feel settled in my new surroundings. I've been getting more classes, so I have a full work week (full being 21 hours a week), and all of my co-teachers are really friendly and helpful. Yesterday I was working on some phonics with one of my beginner classes, and we were teaching 'R'. The example animal was a raccoon. We have to teach them gestures for basically everything. The next 10 minutes was full of children confusedly trying to turn their hands around and make rings around their eyes. 

The typhoon that was supposed to come through my city on Sunday decided to take a turn south, and I was able to spend my day at IKEA. It's basically exactly the same here. I was kinda surprised at how little I managed to walk out with. This mattress is gonna be a breath of fresh air from this rock hard one I've been using. 

These past couple days have been pretty great. We had a day off for the Moon festival, so a bunch of my co-workers and I went to see our roommate play at an open mic night. The bar was an old church and owned by some people who work at Gloria. There were little kids there! I'm pretty sure one of their parents worked there or something. I used my Chinese skillz to chat it up with a 6 year old girl in the billiards room. It's amazing how much kids light up when you speak a couple words in Chinese. 

Today I used my day off to make a visit to Taipei. I was gonna go to the art museum, but I guess everyone else in Taiwan wanted to go there too. There's an impressionist exhibit going on until Sunday, and the lines were about an hour. I need to make sure I get there Sunday morning and beat the rush. Instead, I met up with some friends who were all getting some sweet tats. I'm still tat free since '86. The parlour was in the middle of a huge outdoor shopping center. I spent most of the time walking around searching for shirts/hats/etc... and the market didn't disappoint.

This is actually a restaurant, and kind of an expensive one. 

That's all for now, but not before I show you the shirt I bought today....

-迪龍 out

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