Saturday, September 25, 2010

I've learned a few things since my iPod ate it..... 

One: When you don't have your own tunes in Taiwan, you're basically stuck listening to Lady GaGa, Justin Bieber,  The Wonder Girls, and the occasional garbage truck

Two: I've stared to become more annoyed that my iPhone was taken. Although I've become increasingly anti-smartphone (only because, like all other electronics I've ever had (see: my first Mac Performa), I get glued to it), having the music player would've been great.

Three: It's amazing how fast money can come and go here. Maybe it's just that I've been here for a couple months, but it seems like there's always something forcing me to dip into the money I'm supposed to be saving. 

Four: People are 10 times more likely to yell random English at me when I'm not wearing the headphones. "Hello! Hello! Banana!" But as I discovered the other day in Taipei, sometimes they still talk to me when the headphones are on.

No more 'Urban Combat' mix to remind me just how awesome college was. All the music I grabbed from people with the iPod? Gone. I'd like to thank the lovely people at Apple for not allowing an iPod to computer transfer. Top notch! 

I'm now off to a 6 hour KTV party (For those of you who don't know, KTV= Karaoke).

-迪龍 out

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