Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Halloween at Gloria

I can't believe I've already been here for 3 months, time is really flying by. We had Halloween parties in our class the week before last. Thursday was my favorite of the party days. These were some of my younger kids. We really didn't do that much teaching, just played games and trick or treated around other classes. The idea was simple, just go into a room, sing, and get candy. I didn't know there were additional lyrics to the trick-or-treat song:

Trick or Treat
Smell my feet
Give me something good to eat
Not too big
Not too small
Just the size of a basketball

My costume was a big hit. "OH! The emperor! The emperor is coming! The emperor is coming!!!!"

I introduced the mummy wrap game in my classes, and most of them loved it. Some of the girls were confused why we were wasting so much toilet paper. The world can take a lesson from Taiwan: Teach conservation EARLY! 

These kids thought the idea was to just throw tp on someone. Still very cute and fun! The best part was picking up the tp. The kids took that as a cue to ambush my co-teacher and me.

My Friday class was great in a different way. They were older and kinda sick of doing the whole Halloween thing. So we played the part of the grumpy neighbor that hated Halloween. Whenever a class came, we just turned the lights out and yelled at them to go away. Obviously they found their way in. Classy I know, but everybody loved it.

Side note: That emperor outfit won me Best Costume!

Ta Ta for now. I got a lunch date with the coolest grandma in Taiwan.

-迪龍 out

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