Saturday, October 16, 2010

Language fail!

I went to get the tires on my scooter replaced today. I dropped it off with the quote of 2400NT. He said he'd call me back in a half hour to say it was ready. He called back, and thinking he said my bike was ready, I said "Ok, ok". What he really said was "I'm replacing the brakes, too". 

There goes an extra 500. That's ASS for ya (the name of my shop)....

Thursday, October 14, 2010

(But if something bigger is coming through, you're gonna have to move)

Monday, October 11, 2010

Pop Quiz: What is Fatboy Slim doing in heaven?

I'm too lazy to write an actual update right now, so let me tell you about my past couple weeks via a photo update.....

I purchased a scooter a couple of weeks ago. It's been amazing having the ability to get out of the city when I want to. The day after I got it, I went to the Shihmen Reservoir with a couple co-workers. I couldn't believe how beautiful it was, and I had this overwhelming feeling that I've only scratched the surface on the incredible scenery Taiwan has to offer.

 I saw this on a door of one restaurant at the reservoir. I can't believe it already knows.

Yesterday was Double-Ten Day in Taiwan. For those of you who don't know, this is easily one of Taiwan's most important holidays. 99 years ago, the Wuchang uprising set in motion the inevitable demise of the Qing government, effectively ending thousands of years of Dynastic rule in China. What emerged was the ROC (Republic of China), which has since relocated to Taiwan. I celebrated the day by heading into Taipei. First up on my list of things to see? The Sun Yat-Sen memorial hall. The father of modern China himself. 

My favorite part of this visit was the DJ playing right outside of the hall. There was a huge parade underway, so there was a lot going on. Nobody told him playing Dr. Dre's 'The Chronic' might not be the best choice of tunes. As I'm walking up the stairs, I hear 'smoke weed everyday!'. Thank you, random DJ, for being completely unaware of the lyrical content. 

I walked around Taipei for some time before going to see Fatboy Slim. Coincidence is a funny thing. 'You've Come a Long Way, Baby' is one of the first albums I ever owned. I've been wanting to see Fatboy Slim since I was 13. So go figure he shows up in Taiwan while I'm here. Matt expected Christopher Walken to come flying over the crowd. I think his expectations were a tad to high, but he did show up in plenty of the video..

It was a great show, but I can't say it was worth all the hype/money. Still though, it was a fun way to end my weekend. 

I'll leave you now with some pictures that got me weird looks as I couldn't control my laughter. 

I found this at a Carrefour near my house. As Americans, we take pride in our ability to refrain from gossip. 

One of my favorite things about the English here is that it makes sense, but it's just phrased in an awkward way. Another of my favorites is a billboard with a kid jumping up with a caption below that reads 'I wish to fly'.

A danger I never thought I would face in my lifetime.

You'll be glad to know the Rescue Rangers are alive and well here. Aside from diapers, I see them on scooters everywhere.

So apparently all I need to do to get back to the US is to hop on the MRT.

-迪龍 out